Thursday, July 30, 2020

I'm Launching My Own Site to Help Everyone Learn Better

I’ve toyed with the idea of going from a guest writer to running my own blog for a while.
While I was happy with the flexibility being a guest writer has given me for the last few
years, it’s time to strike out on my own. I don’t want to get dragged into the debate about
what schools or parents should do, I just want to help people become more effective at
supporting students in learning. 

No ideal choice exists right now for everyone and we will all have to deal with education as we find it going forward. That said, most of my advice helps support both distance and in-person learners. The skills and advice I can share focus on the art of learning and helping find your way in whatever educational environment you encounter.  

With that as my focus, I’m going to launch this new blog and begin offering training in the skills that make learning work for everyone. If anyone has specific questions about challenges they face, feel free to send me notes and I’ll do what I can to help (don’t be surprised if you see a future post related to your inquiry, because I’m sure others have similar challenges).

Thank you to everyone who moves with me and I look forward to where this journey takes us.

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